Monday, 13 July 2009

Jotunheimen, mountains in the snow.

Well I am back with many photos and tales to tell, as well as many blogs to read. It was a great trip, a little grey at times with not too much rain, there was plenty of walking in the snow along with boulder hopping and above all else spectacular scenery.

Trip summary: Six days, Distance covered 80 km, Total Ascent 3753 m.

In the coming days there will be a trip report and comments on gear, but for now it is sorting through the many photos.


  1. Nice to hear you are safe and sound. Looking forwrd to the photos and report!

  2. I was worried for you when I saw those weather forecasts! Good to hear you had a good time. Can't wait to see the photos.

  3. Dave the real challenge was the amount of snow on the ground above 1300m in the west, in the east there was much less snow (but many more day hikers).
    Holdfast, the weather was not that bad, some rain at night and a little drizzle and not much wind so all in all not too bad. I did miss the sun though.

    Ahh the photos and the report and more painting in the new house and ... it will happen.

  4. Hihi, I remember painting our flat last summer while the sun was shining all day and I was just thinking about going out! And as soon as we were finished, the rain set in for the rest of the summer.

    I'm sure you will find a silent moment to sit down and think about the past days, sort through photos and stories. I'm looking forward to read and see them - good to have you safe back!

  5. You guys are spoilt with all that Scandinavian wilderness :) I am looking forward to the photos and write up. Getting good with Dave's story of his walk and Holdfasts recent report and Hendriks's recent trips as well. Now we wait for yours.
