Sunday, 29 August 2010

Evernew Sidewinder

My first titanium pot was the Evernew 900 ml pot, which I have owned for about 7 years. Sometimes I stop using it but then I return. For me it is lightweight and the width of the pot ensures that most burners will quickly boil the water in the pot. I am also a great fan of the Ti Tri Caldera but as many others will say the packing of the cone is problematic. Well the good news is that the folks at Trail Designs have been working on it and for some pots there is the "Compact Option" as well as the "Sidewinder option which fits inside the Evernew pot, as shown.

The weight for the Ti Tri Caldera Sidewinder and Inferno set up including the Tyvek covers is 78 grams and with the pot weighing 98 grams (without handles) the total weight is 176 grams for pot and wood burner. Coupled with a gram cracker for use with Esbit and you have a little over 180 grams for a complete multi fuel cook set.

I had to try the set up out so I went to a local forested area and set about lighting the wood fire and making a cup of tea. While I have used other Ti Tri infernos, one thing I have noticed is that once the pot is placed on top of the cone it can be smokey, but with the sidewinder it was much less so, due in part, I believe, to the wide opening which allows a better updraft to be established. I normally light the fire in the inferno and once it is well established I add the outer cone pre installed with the pegs and the place the pot on top. To grip the pot I use a set of MSR LiteLifter

The wood used was what was found in the forest and the larger opening makes it easier to place nice size pieces of wood into the cone.

Tea is made.

As usual the wood soon burns down to a small pile of ash which is easily extinguished.

I will be using this wood burning stove on my upcoming overnight trips, so more in the field reports will follow.


  1. Thats interesting, with the inner inverted cone (Inferno?) it's effectively a double wall woodstove. In my experience, especially with small diameter fireboxes the double wall helps retain fire box heat and reduces the chance of choking the stove when adding fuel.

    Look forward to seeing how it performs.

  2. Nice Caldera. The Caldera vor my Evernew 1.3 was always a bit difficult to pack. Maybe I should switch to a sidewinder or a compact option, too.
    Are the tyvek covers included or did you make them on your own?

  3. Nice writeup Roger!

    To Basti's question.....the tyvek covers are well as all the other goodies with every Ti-Tri (stove, stakes, gram cracker, fuel bottle, etc)

    Rand :-)

  4. Hi MacE, I had not thought of the size of the firebox, and given that I took little care of the wood chosen it maybe that the wood was wet green or both. I will consider the firebox more carefully in upcoming write ups. Thanks

    Basti, Rand has answered some of your comments and I would agree that exploring the options to make your cook set more compact is always worthwhile.

    Thanks Rand for commenting, there is no doubt that you guys at Trail Designs make every effort to help, support all backpackers wherever they are in the world.


  5. The compact version of the Ti-Tri is very very nice. I consider to buy a compacter version or to make one on my own.

  6. Any plans to make one for my MSR Titan or am I going to have to ditch that and get an Evernew 600 or 900ml...?

  7. Maz, maybe you should send an email direct to Trail Designs they will undoubtedly answer very quickly. I recall having read that the size of the titan makes it a little difficult to develop a compact caldera system.

  8. Sorry for losing track of this thread.

    Maz....Roger got it right.....the Sidewinder concept relys on the pot having a much larger width to height aspect ratio to work. The MSR kettle is pretty "square" (height to width ratio about the same). We could do a Sidewinder setup for the MSR pots like the 1L, 1.5L, or 2L....their aspect ratio is pretty good.

    Rand :-)
