You will be reading this post after I have left to head north from Björkliden along the Nordkalotten Trail. I was fortunate to spend 3 days with Jörgen from Fjäderlätt and having little experience in the fjälls of Sweden I was keen to listen to Jörgen and more importantly watch his approach to travelling in the Swedish fjälls. I learnt a lot as I have done from reading the Fjäderlätt whether the information be in English or in Swedish (Google Translate will always help and give you a laugh at the same time.)
Recently Jörgen extended an invitation to come and experience the wilderness in Sweden late in August this year, my work commitments preclude me from attending, but you may have more flexibility in your schedule, why not visit the web page and find out more. The information is available at Learn Lightweight Backpacking in Arctic Scandinavia I believe anyone attending this course will gain from the experience no matter where you hike.
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