Monday 1 June 2009

Return to Møns Klint

Møns Klint is one of my favourite places in Denmark, and whilst it is a major tourist attraction there are also many places where you can get away from it all. For a couple of days I was able to wander along the cliff tops as well as the forests to experience the variety Møns Klint. As I have said before Møns Klint is about two hours from Copenhagen and is accessible by public transport.

One of my reasons for visiting Møns was to sort out some of my gear issues for my upcoming trip to the Nordkalottleden Trail above the Arctic Circle in Sweden, Norway and Finland which will be the subject of a later post. So I set off from near Camping Møns Klint and headed toward the coastline. There are two options; to descend to the shore line or remain on the cliff tops, the cliffs were my preferred choice. For a while I had the tops to myself but as I approached The Møns Klint Geocentre so the number of walkers increased. But the beauty of the white cliffs remained no matter how many persons were around. As the day progressed and the sun's intensity increased I found a pleasant grassy covered knoll overlooking the Baltic, it was there I sat and watched the ferries head north and south as well as dozing off to sleep, yes it was a very relaxing stop. Having spent an hour or so there I decided that it was time to find a spot to stay for the night, there are a number of primitive campsites available on Møns none of which provide a view. However, I found a spot that enabled me to set up my bivy and tarp (the wind was ferocious by morning) and relax for the evening.

The return trip the following morning took me past the Geocentre then along forestry trails where a number of deer were surprised to see me. The culmination of the walk was the climb to Aborrebingbjerg which provide panoramic views to the north, west and east including Stevens Klint.

All in all a great trip in an area which I will revisit.


  1. The training and planning for the big walk is going well I see. Have you decided on the final kit choice?

  2. Thanks Martin the planning and training is progressing after the next trip I will have my gear finalised, I hope. I will publish it as a list in the near future.

    By the way your photos of the Cairngorms looked fantastic.
